Section 3: Miscellaneous Odds and ends. 3.0 Is it safe to kill the dragons? You are supposed to kill Pyrog. All the others know something you need to know for one of the winning quests. Once you find it, it’s OK to kill the dragons, but it’s not very nice. 3.1 If you killed a dragon you shouldn’t have... Find the Exile Editor v1.1 or later. It can unkill all the dragons in its unregistered state. If you don’t do this, you’re stuck. 3.2 How can I get money? The wandering encounters outdoors around the start are designed to give a decent amount of $$$ at low levels. Also, the Getting Started In Exile file that came with the game has many good tips. 3.3 Will there be Exile II? Exile II: Crystal Souls is now out! There are twice as many spells. You can summon monsters. Nicer graphics! Nicer sounds! An even bigger world! It’s a great game ... give it a try! 3.4 Will there be an Exile III? Yes. More than that I dare not say. In sum, Exile is detailed, deep, and highly addictive. Highly, highly addictive. Give it a try! And please, like it or not, tell me what you think. - Jeff Vogel Keeper of Exile Spiderweb Software